Monday, June 27, 2016

Summer Announcements

New Mailing Address:

Hickory Grove Christian School
7200 E. W.T. Harris Blvd.
Charlotte, NC  28215

Student Referral Program - If you need more Postcards, please stop by the office.

School Partnerships
On the school partnerships list, you will find ways to participate in giving back to our school. The businesses give back a portion to HGCS when you purchase from them.

School Calendar: 2016-2017 Calendar

Your Contact Information:  Please be sure we have your most current contact information.  When you get a new phone number, email address, home address, etc., notify the office immediately so we have that information on file for communication and emergency purposes.

Athletics:  Questions about games, sports events, cancellations?  Contact Carrie Leigh Garner at  or 704-531-4038.

Food Services:  Questions about your child's MySchoolBucks account?  Contact Joan Helms at 704-531-4197 or  
Athletic Office Hours:  7:30 AM. -- 3:30 PM  704-531-4038, or by email at